Positive Cycle Care (PCC) delivers a range of support services to vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals and communities in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and surrounding areas. Central to this is the provision of supported living, co-living and other outreach services for vulnerable adults with complex needs such as, mental health, learning disabilities and also those recovering from substance and alcohol misuse. The company offers a range of interventions and support services in partnership with the local authorities and other agencies in order to move clients towards becoming independent and reintegrate themselves into society.
Positive Cycle Community Service is our Floating/ Outreach service. We work individual weheather in there home or leaving hospital to access the wider community.
We provide individual care and support to vulnerable adults (18 to 65 years). Our service supports low to medium support needs clients who would like help to maintain their own independence usually with in their own homes and out in the community. We support our client’s life choices through general prompting and drawing on their individual strengths. We have no timescale to our service therefore individuals can be supported by us for as long as you need needed/ required.
Positive Cycle Trust (PCT) is a registered charity dedicated to delivering support, advice and information to families who find themselves vulnerable and are in disadvantaged situations. The Trust, established in 2012, has excelled in delivering support services to strengthen relationships within families and across communities.
• Respecting Individual Needs
• Service User Led
• Maintaining Independence and Dignity
• Celebrating All Successes
• Drawing out Strengths
• You are in control of your life we are just there to help
Positive Cycle is managed by skilled and experienced professionals in the fields of Social Work, Education, Mental Health, Employment, Fundraising, Childcare and Housing. We are proud to have such an experienced, trained and qualified staff team who are caring and work very hard in sometimes very challenging circumstances.
All staff are fully inducted and have access to a range of training to ensure they are appropriately skilled to deliver high quality services alongside maintaining their continuing professional development (CPD).
Website property of Positive Cycle 2012 – 2021. Privacy Policy (click here). Website designed by Joao